One journey,
one relationship and one ethos.

Continual improvement in the outcomes for children.

Governing Body

Heathfield Schools Partnership is governed by a single unified body with responsibility for both Heathfield Nursey & Infants school and Heathfield Junior School.

Read our Scheme of Delegation

Who are Heathfield's Governors?

  Category Sub-Committee
Mrs Jacqueline Marson (Chair) Co-opted Standards, Teaching & Learning
Mrs Christine Bhika (Clerk)    
Mr Paul Clayton Staff/Exec Headteacher All committees
Mrs Jo Reeves Staff Resources, Finance Personnel & Pay
Cllr John Coombs Local Authority Resources, Finance Personnel & Pay
Mr Martin Dean Co-opted Finance Personnel & Pay
Cllr Lesley Pollesche Co-opted Resources, Finance Personnel & Pay
Ms Helen Child Associate Member Standards, Teaching & Learning
Mr David Colenso Associate Member Standards, Teaching & Learning
Cathy Clarke Co-opted Standards, Teaching & Learning
Anne Majumdar Associate Member Standards, Teaching & Learning, Finance Personnel & Pay
Mr Harman Sura Co-opted Finance Personnel & Pay
Aaron McInnes Parent Governor Standards, Teaching & Learning
Ranjeev Walia Co-opted Standards, Teaching & Learning
Mike Hillier Co-opted Resources
Helen Plummer Parent Governor Finance Personnel & Pay
Nicola Watson Associate Member Standards, Teaching & Learning

Meeting Attendance 2023-24

Y= Attended | N = Apologies Accepted | NA= Apologies not Accepted | NS = No Apologies sent | = Attendance Not Marked | Blank = Not Required | CA= Consent for absence | - = Not applicable | 31/01/2024 = Meeting Cancelled

  Autumn Spring Summer
Mrs Christine Bhika (Clerk) Y     Y      Y Y     Y
Ms Helen Child (AM) Y      Y Y     Y
Ms Nicola Claire (CO)        Y        Y Y
Cathy Clarke (CO) Y     Y      Y Y     N
Mr Paul Clayton (HT) Y     Y      Y N     Y
Anna Clifford N  
Mr David Colenso (AM) Y      N Y     Y
Cllr John Coombs (LA) Y     N      Y NS  NS
Mr Martin Dean (CO) N     NS      N Y     Y
Mike Hillier (CO) Y     Y      N Y     Y
Amy Homer (AM) Y     Y      Y Y     Y
Anne Majumdar (AM) Y     Y      Y Y     Y
Mrs Jacqueline Marson (CO) Y     Y      Y Y     Y
Aaron McInnes (PG) Y     Y      Y Y     Y
Helen Plummer (PG)          Y Y
Cllr Lesley Pollesche (CO) N     N      Y N     Y
Olivia Ratynski N  
Mrs Jo Reeves (SG) Y     N      Y Y     Y
Mr Harman Sura (CO) Y     NS      NS Y     NS
Ranjeev Walla (CO) Y     Y      Y N    N
Nicola Watson (AM) Y      N Y     Y
  Autumn Spring Summer
  01/11/2023 24/01/2024 24/04/2024
Mrs Christine Bhika (Clerk) Y Y Y
Ms Helen Child (AM) Y Y Y
Ms Nicola Claire (CO) Y Y Y
Cathy Clarke (CO) Y N Y
Mr Paul Clayton (HT) Y Y Y
Mr David Colenso (AM) Y Y N
Amy Homer (AM) Y Y Y
Anne Majumdar (AM) Y Y N
Mrs Jacqueline Marson (CO) Y Y Y
Aaron McInnes(PG) Y Y Y
Ranjeev Walia (CO) NS Y NS
Nicola Watson (AM) Y Y Y
  Autumn Spring Summer
  11/10/2023 17/01/2024 19/06/2024
Mrs Christine Bhika (Clerk) Y Y Y
Mr Paul Clayton (HT) Y Y Y
Cllr John Coombs (LA) Y Y Y
Mr Martin Dean (CO) N NS Y
Anne Majumdar (AM) Y Y N
Cllr Lesley Pollesche (CO) Y N N
Mrs Jo Reeves (SG) Y Y Y
Mr Harman Sura (CO) NS N NS
  Autumn Spring Summer
Mrs Christine Bhika (Clerk) Y    Y Y    Y Y
Mr Paul Clayton (HT) Y    Y Y    Y Y
Cllr John Coombs (LA) Y    Y N    N Y
Mike Hillier (CO) Y    Y Y    Y Y
Cllr Lesley Pollesche (CO) Y    N Y    Y Y
Mrs Jo Reeves (SG) Y    Y Y    Y Y

Governor Type:
(CO) Co-opted Governor | (AM) Associate Memeber | (HT) Headteacher | (LA) Local Authority Governor | (PG) Parent Governor | (SG) Staff Governor | (O) Other

Governing Body and Committee Terms of Reference

The Governing Body should take a strategic role, act as a critical friend to the school and be accountable for its decisions. It should set aims and objectives and agree, monitor and review policies, targets and priorities. Governing Body minutes will be open to the public, except for confidential appendices.


The Chair of Governors has a key role. People who are paid to work at the school are not eligible to act as Chair. The Chair is responsible for;

  • Ensuring that the business of the governing body is conducted properly
  • Ensuring that the meetings are run effectively and make the best use of time
  • Ensuring that the governing body acts as a sounding board to the Headteacher and provides strategic direction
  • Taking action in cases where a delay might be seriously detrimental to the interests of the school, a pupil, parent or employee

A Clerk is employed to prepare agendas and accompanying documents for the meeting in consultation with the Chair and Headteacher. The Clerk should ensure governors are given at least 7 days written notice of a meeting and agenda and documents to be considered are provided to governors within this time frame. The Clerk should take minutes of each meeting, keep a register of attendance and let governors know when terms of office come to an end. Minutes should be distributed to all governors as soon as possible following a meeting.

Voting and Quorums

Only governors and appointed Associate Members can vote. No vote may be taken at any meeting where Associate Members outnumber governors. The quorum for any governing body or committee meeting must be one half (rounded up to a whole number) of the current membership of the governing body and a minimum of 3. In the event of a tied vote the Chair/Vice Chair will have a second or casting vote.

Apologies should be given in advance of a meeting to the Headteacher, Chair or Clerk prior to the meeting. Apologies will be considered at the start of each meeting. The Clerk must report absences on the minutes and whether apologies were received.

The Governing Body will;
  • Hold at least 3 meetings per year; one per term,
  • Elect a Chair and Vice Chair,
  • Appoint or remove the Clerk,
  • Recruit and appoint new governors and associate members as vacancies arise,
  • Set dates for the year ahead,
  • Establish committees of the Governing Body and their terms of reference,
  • Decide which functions of the Governing Body will be delegated to committees, groups and individuals,
  • Receive reports from any individual or committee to whom a decision has been delegated and consider whether any further action by the Governing Body is necessary,
  • Approve the first formal budget of the financial year,
  • Review delegation arrangements annually
  • Ensure the school delivers "good" to "outstanding" education provision to its pupils.

Governors have no legal authority to act individually, except when authority to do so has been delegated by the Governing Body.

Agreed by:
Full Governing Body 28/09/2021


Each committee elects a Chair at the first meeting of the academic year. Meetings are recorded by the Clerk.

Standards, Teaching and Learning Committee - Agreed 11/11/2024
  • To consider and advise the governing body on standards and other matters relating the school's curriculum, including statutory requirements and the school's curriculum policy,
  • With the assistance of staff, monitor and evaluate the delivery of the curriculum,
  • To review, approve and monitor the implementation of policies for curriculum areas, special educational needs, collective worship, race equality and pupil behaviour/discipline,
  • To ensure that the needs of pupils with special education needs are met,
  • In conjunction with the Headteacher, (either to recommend to the governing body, or to agree) statutory targets for pupil attainment,
  • To consider curricular issues which have implications for finance and personnel decisions and to make recommendations to the relevant committees or the Governing Body,
  • To oversee arrangements for individual governors to take a leading role in specific areas of provision, e.g. SEN, Literacy, Numeracy. To receive regular reports from them and advise the Governing Body,
  • At least annually to receive a report from the Headteacher on the quality of teaching, the standards of pupil achievement and pupil well-being and to identify any necessary governing body actions,
  • In consultation with Headteacher and staff, identify priorities for the School Action Plan and to consider the draft plan for discussion and approval by the governing body,
  • To monitor, at least once a term, progress on implementing the SAP and make adjustments where necessary,
  • To ensure the SAP covers all actions to improve the education and coaching the school needs to delivery in a "good" to "outstanding" standard manner.
  • To review, in consultation with the Headteacher and staff, the school's policies on pupil welfare, homework and the school uniform and make any recommendations,
  • Ensure the school delivers a "good" to "outstanding" education and guidance to pupils.
Finance, Personnel and Pay Committee - Agreed 09/10/2024
The Committee has responsibility for:

Financial Management

  • participating in any consultation with the LA on funding reviews and amendments to the Scheme for Financing Schools, and, annually, making recommendations to the governing body as to the formal approval and adoption of the Scheme for Financing Schools
  • reviewing, annually, and making recommendations to the governing body to the formal approval and adoption of the LA's Schools' Financial Regulations and Standing Orders
  • ensuring compliance with the LA’s Schools’ Financial Regulations and Standing Orders
  • adopting the LA's whistle blowing policy
  • providing guidance and assistance to the head teacher and governing body in all matters relating to budgeting and finance, and to clearly define any delegation of financial responsibilities (see Appendix 1)
  • reporting all decisions taken by the committee to the next governing body meeting
  • preparing a 1-year balanced budget plus projected plans for 2 years, which is: a) in a format approved by the LA; b) based on the priorities of the School Improvement Plan; and c) presented to the governing body for approval
  • reviewing quarterly budget monitoring reports containing detailed income and expenditure from original system data, ensuring explanations are available and, if necessary, revising the budget
  • reporting to the governing body on the school's current financial position and the performance of the annual budget plan, providing supplementary information as may be required
  • completing, annually, a benchmarking exercise which, in the Consistent Financial Reporting (CFR) format, compares this school's financial performance with others, the criteria for benchmarking being determined by the committee
  • authorising expenditure and virements between budget headings as per the limits delegated (see Appendix 1)
  • ensuring there is a recovery plan should the budget go into deficit; equally, that there is a spending plan should the budget have a surplus
  • developing a framework of performance indicators and targets in accordance with the Best Value Policy, which will provide a clear, practical expression of the school's achievement of best value, and submitting a Best Value Statement to the LA
  • ensuring that each committee member completes a written declaration of interests form, stating any business and/or other financial interest they, or their family or close acquaintances, may have with the school and advising of any changes annually.
  • ensuring that, at the commencement of any meeting, all financial interests are declared and recorded in the minutes
  • reviewing tenders received for contracts, up to the limits delegated, agreeing which contractors are to be awarded contracts, and making recommendations to the governing body
  • reviewing, at a minimum every 3 years and in conjunction with the head teacher, a) the continuation or cessation of all contracts, including LA-sourced services; b) the effectiveness of the computer accounting system, the financial processes and procedures of the school, and the policies and framework which support the school's financial management, and to take remedial action should this be required
  • reviewing, at a minimum every 2 years, the extent of specific delegated powers to the head teacher and others for the administration of finances
  • reviewing Internal Audit reports, drawing up any necessary action plan for recommendation to the governing body, and ensuring implementation
  • reviewing, annually: a) these terms of reference and proposing any amendments to the governing body; b) the fees and charges contained in the school's lettings policy; c) governors' allowances
  • ensuring, annually, a self-assessment of financial competency is completed by all who have financial responsibilities, and, from this, reviewing the training needs of each
  • reviewing all statutory and non-statutory policies and procedures relating to this and other committees at the school, which have financial implications and impact on the budget
  • reviewing the school improvement plan where this relates to the responsibilities delegated to the Finance committee
  • ensuring the school maintains an up-to-date asset register (inventory)
  • approving inventory written off, seeking approval of the governing body where delegated authority is exceeded
  • To ensure the management and audit of school non-public funds

Personnel & Pay Management

  • reviewing, annually, the school's pay policy (for approval by the governing body) and to undertake any formal consultations on personnel matters, ensuring these comply with the various regulatory guidance notes
  • keeping under review, the personnel procedures and making recommendations for change to the governing body:
    1. redundancy
      • to draft and review, in consultation with the LA and staff, criteria for possible redundancy, for approval by the governing body
      • to form a committee from within its members (of which one member must be the head teacher), with delegated powers being agreed by the governing body, to deal with cases of redundancy
    2. discipline and grievance
      • to review, regularly, the procedures for dealing with discipline and grievance and ensure staff are informed of these
      • to form a discipline and grievance committee from within its members (of which one member must be the head teacher), with delegated powers being agreed by the governing body
    3. managing health attendance
    4. premature retirement
    5. leave of absence
  • participating in staffing reviews and implementing pay policies, as appropriate
    1. salaries
      • to draft criteria, for approval by the governing body, regarding the use of discretionary elements of pay provisions and make recommendations about implementing them
      • establish the annual and longer-term salary budgets and other costs relating to personnel, eg, training
    2. staffing structure
      • to review the staffing structure whenever a vacancy occurs and, at least annually, in relation to the school improvement plan
  • considering and make recommendations relating to staffing to the governing body
  • To establish and review a Performance Management policy for all staff
  • To consider any appeal against a decision on pay grading or pay awards.
  • other responsibilities, including:
    • assisting with drafting job descriptions, where appropriate
    • considering requests for leave of absence in line with the policy agreed by the governing body
    • taking part in a selection panel (although this will be restricted to those who have had the appropriate training)
    • receiving and determining any applications for premature retirement

Membership of the committee will comprise:

Membership:   Chair + minimum of 3 others, 1 to be the head teacher
Term of Office:   Annual
Minute Taker:   Clerk appointed by Full Governing Body
Quorum:   Minimum of 3. The committee shall not meet without the Executive Head Teacher, or their representative, being present.

The chair of this committee must be a non-staff governor and will be elected in the autumn term. The membership must be a minimum of 4, of which at least 3 should be non-staff members.

To be quorate, the meeting should have at least 3 members, of which 2 should be non-staff members.

Each committee will meet at least once per term, at which the school will provide:

once a term

  • a budget monitoring report, comparing expenditure (including commitments) and income to the current budget
  • notes to explain the current position
  • an outturn forecast

once a year, in different terms

  • a 3-year budget plan
  • benchmarking data
  • updated policies and procedures
Role of the head teacher

The head teacher has responsibility for the overall supervision of the day-to-day running of the financial affairs of the school.

The head teacher can delegate specific responsibilities to members of staff as appropriate to their job descriptions, ensuring adequate separation of duties in both manual tasks and financial systems (see Appendix 2).

The head teacher is responsible for monitoring the financial position of the school on a regular (not less than monthly) basis.

The head teacher is responsible for the preparation and presentation to the Finance committee and to the governing body, of reports on the school's finances, in accordance with a pre-determined timetable and on an ad hoc basis, as necessary.

The head teacher is responsible for initiating consultations with the chair of governors and the chair of the Finance committee on any significant and exceptional financial circumstances, or any financial matter that is causing concern. S/he should also report to the chair of governors:

  • any failure in any material respect of any member of the school staff to comply with these procedures
  • any circumstances which could adversely affect the school's finances
  • any matter of serious concern in relation to the school's finances

The head teacher can amend the agreed budget by virement between any budget heading up to the limits set out in Appendix 1, and can authorise the purchase of individual items up to the limits indicated in Appendix 1. In exceptional circumstances, or in an emergency, additional authority may be obtained from the chair of governors and the chair of the Finance committee acting jointly.

Role of the Heads of Schools

When the head teacher is unable to do so, the Head of School will have the authority to continue the day-to-day running of the school's financial affairs.

At any other time, the Head of School may authorise payments as per Appendix 1.

The Head of School will also undertake such other duties or responsibilities relating to financial matters as may be required of them by the head teacher.

Role of the School Business Manager/Finance Officer

The school business manager has responsibility for:

  • monitoring all day-to-day records of the school and reconciling them with the records of the LA, as appropriate
  • regularly preparing, from the school's accounting system, reports that reflect the position of the school's finances, as may be required by the head teacher and the governors
  • ensuring, on a day-to-day basis, that the financial procedures as set out in this document, and the documents referred to herein, are followed by all who may be involved in any way in the school's finances
  • reporting to the head teacher any failure, in any material respect, by any member of the school staff to comply with these procedures; any circumstance which could adversely affect the school's finances; or any matter of serious concern in relation to the school's finances
  1. Keys to the safe are held by the head teacher and the school business manager and are removed from the premises each evening or kept in a locked drawer, the keys of which are removed from the school site at the end of each day.
  2. Cheque signatories are as per the bank mandate, and cheques are held securely in a locked cabinet. The majority of payments are made by BACs by both schools.
  3. No petty cash system is operated by the Infant office. Petty cash is currently administered by the Junior School, but is being phased out. The level of petty cash will not exceed £250, individual claims will not exceed £50. Claims of up to £10 can be authorised by the Office Manager. Claims of up to £50 can be authorised by the Executive Headteacher or Heads of Schools. Exceptions to this will be for Summer School and residential journeys where an authorised float will be taken.
  4. A backup of the Infant's financial data is performed every day and stored off premises. The Junior's financial data and files are backed up on the School's server. These files are protected by network security and are backed up daily via a Secure Remote Backup service we have subscribed to. The data is backed up every night and is encrypted before it leaves site. The data goes off to two data centres just outside London via the internet, where it is stored securely. The data can be restored to our servers and in the event of complete failure, it can be downloaded to any machine connected to the internet. If no internet connection is available, it can be retrieved on a hard drive directly from the data centre.
  5. The Junior School operate a Procurement Card. Two cards have been issued to named members of staff; Paul Clayton and Tracey Overington. The total credit limit is £2950. Transactions must be reported to the Finance Committee on a termly basis.

These terms of reference should always agree with:

  • "A Guide to the Law for School Governors" published by the Department for Education
  • the LA's "Scheme for Financing Schools"
  • the LA's "Schools' Financial Regulations and Standing Orders"
Authorised by:
Head Teacher Date
Chair of Finance Committee Date
Chair of Governors Date
Appendix 1
At all times, the principles contained in the school's Best Value Policy will apply.
    Governing Body Finance Committee Chair of Finance Committee and Head Head Deputy Head Budget Holder
  Approval of Annual 3-Year Budget Plan          
  Variations to budget heads (virements) over £10,000          
  Variations to budget heads (virement) up to £10,000          
  Variations to budget heads (virements) up to £7,500          
  Variations to budget heads (virements) up to £5,000          
At all times the procedures and requirements outlined In Chapter 4 and Annex 1 of the LA's School's Financial Regulations will be applied. Authorise expenditure Over £50,000 With the Director of Finance          
Authorise expenditure up to £50,000 With legal advice          
Authorise expenditure up to £25,000          
Authorise expenditure up to £15,000          
Authorise expenditure up to £12,500          
Authorise expenditure up to £10,000          
Authorise expenditure up to £2,000          
Authorise expenditure up to £1,000          
  Authorise writing off assets over £2,000          
  Authorise writing off assets up to £2,000          
  Authorise writing off assets up to £1,000          
  Authorise writing off assets under £500          
  Appointment and salary of all permanent staff        
  Appointment and salary of Head Teacher        
  Appointment and salary of temporary staff        
Extent of Delegation (Virement limits) The limits quoted above are subject to sufficient funds being available in reserve. Additional expenditure over and above the original budget should be reported to this Committee at the next available opportunity. This relates to funds that are vired from reserve and were not in the approved budget. Cheques drawn outside delegated authority of Headteacher and not previously agreed by Governors during budgeting process must be photocopied and signed by Chair of Finance.
Authorisation of Revenue and Leasing Contracts All revenue and leasing contracts should be tendered and authorised as per the Standing Orders for Contracts, contained in Annex 1 of the LA's Schools' Financial Regulations and Standing Orders.
Authorisation of Capital Contracts All capital contracts should be tendered and authorised as per the Standing Orders for Contracts, contained in Annex 1 of the LA's Schools' Financial Regulations and Standing Orders and subject to appropriate authorisation of capital funding.

This Appendix 1 is to be read in conjunction with the Scheme of Delegation and the Spending and Virements Policy

Appendix 2

Statement of Roles and Responsibilities for Financial Management (to be read in conjunction with the Scheme of Delegation)

Department for Education (DfE)

The DfE's overall role is to set the national financial framework and to provide high level support and coordination. In pursuit of this role it:

  • maintains a national standard for schools (ie, the Schools' Financial Value Standard - SFVS)
  • maintains a model financial scheme for schools under section 48 of the School Standards and Framework Act (SSFA) 1998
  • requires annual assurance from Chief Finance Officers of Local Authorities (LAs) that:
    • the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) has been properly used
    • the LA has adequate audit and assurance arrangements in place for schools
    • schools are implementing the SFVS
  • uses data collected to monitor and, where appropriate, challenge the LA on:
    • substantial overspend or underspend of the DSG
    • schools with persistent substantial deficits
    • failure to implement the SFVS
  • publishes data on the budgeted and actual spend of LAs and schools
  • on the national website, makes available for schools tools and case studies
  • maintains the Schools' Financial Benchmarking (SFB) website for schools
  • signposts schools to compliant contracts and frameworks for procurement and, in some cases, may arrange contracts and frameworks for schools to access
  • hosts discussions with LAs and school partners on financial and procurement issues
Local Authority (LA)

The LA's role is to set and monitor a local financial framework and to provide local support for schools to help them provide an effective service to the local community. In pursuit of this role it:

  • maintains and revises a local financial scheme for schools under section 48 of the SSFA 1998 (Scheme for Financing Schools)
  • reviews schools’ budget plans as submitted
  • agrees a recovery programme with schools that fall into deficit
  • carries out high level monitoring of schools' budgets
  • challenges excess surplus balances, held without good reason
  • intervenes in schools causing financial concern, through issuing notices of concern or the withdrawal of delegation
  • plans and carries out an audit programme for schools
  • monitors the implementation of the SFVS and takes this into account in their programme of audit
  • provides local guidance, tools and resources for schools (may be charged for)
  • provides advice for individual schools on request (may be charged for)
  • provides conferences and training for schools (may be charged for)
  • provides LA-level procurement frameworks and deals for schools
  • consults governing bodies on significant changes to funding
Heathfield Schools' Partnership

The school's role is to manage its delegated budget effectively and optimise the use of resources to raise standards and attainment for all pupils, working within the local financial framework set by the LA. In pursuit of this role it:

  • seeks to secure good value for money at all times
  • implements the SFVS
  • ensures that the school has access to an appropriate level of financial expertise
  • ensures that the governing body has adequate financial skills among its members to fulfil its role of challenge and support
  • maintains effective financial management arrangements in the school
  • maintains adequate accounting and management information systems
  • follows procedures for purchasing or leasing goods and services that both meet the legal requirements and achieve value for money
  • has adequate arrangements to guard against fraud and theft
  • benchmarks income and expenditure annually against that of similar schools and investigates and takes action where any category appears to be significantly out of line
Governing Body

The governing body has a strategic role in the financial management of schools and its key responsibilities include:

  • setting financial priorities through the
    • School Improvement Plan (SIP)
    • 3-year budget plan
    • the annual budget
  • establishing formal procedures and a timetable for budget planning
  • approving a balanced and sound annual budget
  • ensuring the budget is managed effectively
  • determining delegated powers in relation to approving spending and virement decisions and approving them within a formal scheme of delegation
  • approving budget virements and spend decisions outside any delegated authority
  • ensuring the school meets all its statutory obligations and, through the head teacher, complies with the LA’s financial regulations and standing orders
  • ensuring there is a handbook containing appropriate information and description of financial systems and procedures for all staff with financial management responsibility
  • ensuring, through this statement of roles and responsibilities, that financial duties of staff are clearly described to avoid potential conflicts
  • ensuring that financial records are maintained that can provide auditors and inspectors with explanations they consider necessary
  • responding promptly to recommendations made by auditors or inspectors
  • as a joint responsibility with the head teacher and all staff at the school, advising internal audit of any financial irregularity at the school
  • approving economic and effective debt recovery procedures and, subject to these procedures, writing-off of any debt in relation to the school budget
  • ensuring that the school obtains best value when purchasing goods and services
  • establishing and reviewing annually a charging policy for the supply of goods and services
  • establishing and maintaining a register of business interests of governors and staff who influence financial decisions. This should be open to examination by governors, staff, parents and the LA
  • deciding, after careful consideration, whether or not to insure risks not covered by the LA
  • authorising the write-off and disposal of stock / stores and inventory items
  • receiving the audited accounts of any voluntary funds managed by the school, within six months of their accounting year-end
  • approving a data security and recovery plan that complies with the LA's minimum standards on computer security
  • determining the staff complement and a pay policy for the school
Finance Committee

The Finance committee is non-statutory and the governing body is free to determine its terms of reference, including the approval of the draft annual budget. Where the governing body wishes to delegate some of its financial management responsibilities to the Finance committee it must:

  • define its terms of reference
  • define the extent of its delegated authority
  • ensure it receives minutes of the committee's meetings
  • annually review the committee's terms of reference and membership

Linked with the responsibilities held by the governing body, as outlined above, the Finance committee's responsibilities include:

  • drawing up the annual and 3-year budget plan for approval by the governing body
  • exploring different expenditure options and assessing expenditure bids
  • forecasting likely future pupil rolls and assessing the impact on funding levels
  • monitoring budgeted income and expenditure
  • monitoring and adjusting in-year expenditure levels
  • ensuring accounts are properly finalised at year-end and the outturn reviewed
  • evaluating the effectiveness of financial decisions
  • evaluating the school's achievement of best value
Executive Head Teacher (and the Heads of School in the absence of the Executive Head Teacher)

Although the governing body has a statutory responsibility for the oversight of most areas of school life, including financial management, a great deal of responsibility is often delegated to the head teacher and other staff. It is important, therefore, that the head teacher's financial management roles and responsibilities are clear and understood by all who assist them with the school's financial management.

The head teacher provides vision, leadership and direction for the school and ensures that it is managed and organised to meet the aims and targets established by the governing body and, as such, has delegated responsibility for:

  • leading on the creation of a strategic framework for the school (ie, formulate the aims and objectives of the school; establish the policies and development plan through which this will be achieved; and monitor progress towards achievement)
  • developing the SIP based upon sound resource planning, which identifies priorities, targets and options for ensuring pupils achieve high standards and make progress, increasing teachers effectiveness and securing school improvement within a balanced budget
  • advising on and implementing the governing body's strategic framework, and reporting on progress
  • submitting the SIP and the 3-year budget plan for governors' approval
  • planning, monitoring and evaluating the budget plan, managing expenditure and income
  • drawing up and submitting to the governing body an annual budget plan for the school's voluntary fund(s)
  • establishing sound internal financial controls, which are managed on a daily basis by the school business manager
  • managing effective financial administration procedures to ensure financial probity and compliance with financial regulations, particularly:
    • the proper use of all items included in the inventory and ensuring an annual certified check is carried out to ensure that all inventory items are accounted for
    • the proper security for all buildings, stocks, stores, furniture, equipment, money, sensitive data, etc
    • to make recommendations to the governing body on the write-off of any inventory items or stocks / stores
    • to report annually to the governing body on recommended levels of fees and charges over which the school has discretion
    • that staff using their vehicle on school business, or taking school assets off-site, are properly insured
    • the safe retention of all invoices and financial records in accordance with statutory requirements
    • that the bank is reconciled on a monthly basis and the account not allowed to go overdrawn
    • to advise the LA if the school cannot agree the LA's outturn figures
    • as a joint responsibility with governors and other staff, advise internal audit of any financial irregularities at the school
    • identify and secure appropriate licences and insurance
    • give prompt notification to the insurance services section of the LA of all new risks, properties or vehicles, that are required to be insured; of any alterations affecting existing insurance; of any loss, liability, damage or other event likely to lead to an insurance claim
  • approving any budget virements and spending decisions (orders / invoices / contracts / pay records) within delegated authority level
    • to maintain separation of duties Executive Head, Head of School and School Business Manager will sign Order Pro-forma, Purchase Order and Invoices to be passed for BACS authorisation and payment.
  • managing all contracts and SLAs
  • ensuring the effective implementation of financial systems / procedures contained in a financial management handbook (even in the absence of key staff)
  • considering and responding promptly to recommendations in school audit / inspection reports, and advising governors of results and any remedial action required
  • implementing school pay policy and appointment procedures
  • managing, monitoring and reviewing the range, quality, quantity and usage of all available resources in order to improve pupils' achievements, and ensure best value
  • managing the work of the finance and administration team so that an efficient and effective administrative and financial service is provided to the school
  • managing the tendering arrangements on behalf of the governors, liaising with the LA, as appropriate
School Business Manager

Be a member of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) at the school and contribute to the strategic direction of the school on all aspects of school administration, including finance, personnel, and premises management. Specifically to, and under the overall direction of the head teacher:

  • design, develop and manage effective financial administration procedures, including responsibility for compliance with financial regulations
  • provide specialist advice and guidance to SLT and governors on national and local guidelines / policy / statute
  • interpret matters of policy / procedure / statute to ensure the school's compliance, and initiate appropriate action arising
  • ensure there is a handbook containing information and a description of financial systems and procedures for all staff with financial management responsibility (internal controls handbook)
  • ensure that financial records are maintained that can provide auditors and inspectors with explanations they consider necessary (audit trail)
  • monitor all accounting procedures and resolve any problems, including the ordering, processing and payment for all goods and services provided to the school; the operation and regular reconciliation of bank accounts; maintenance of an assets register; and preparation of invoices, collection of fees and other dues, and recovery of bad debts
  • prepare annual estimates and regular reports on income and expenditure, monitor accounts against budgets and report on the financial state of the school to the governors
  • oversee the spending of the budget so that funds are spent as governors agreed, that there is scrupulous financial probity, and that audit recommendations and the financial requirements of the LA's delegation of powers are implemented
  • closedown accounts and liaise with education finance and auditors
  • prepare any required financial returns for the DfE, LA and other central and local government agencies within statutory deadlines
  • support the head teacher in bringing greater openness and transparency to financial matters
  • help the leadership group incorporate genuine financial forward-planning
  • look for opportunities for the school to bid for funds, contributing to and leading bids as required
  • maximize income generation within the ethos of the school through letting of the school premises and development of the school facilities for out-of-school use
  • make recommendations to the head teacher and governors on the spending of repairs and capital budgets, according to an agreed development plan
  • wherever possible, and once authorised, oversee the spending of these funds
  • oversee tendering arrangements on behalf of the governors, liaising with the LA as appropriate
  • liaise with contractors and maintenance staff
  • ensure improved service, value for money, and fitness for purpose
  • identify the need and be responsible for securing appropriate licences and insurance
  • ensure the maintenance of accurate and current inventories of all assets (inventory)
  • liaise with the LA on the provision of a comprehensive payroll service ensuring that salary payments are
    1. only made to school employees;
    2. made in accordance with appropriate conditions of employment; and
    3. only made for services provided to the school
  • lead, manage and develop the support staff who provide administrative support to the school, through:
    • line management (this will include regular meetings, mentoring, co-ordination, monitoring, appraisals)
    • developing a programme of training for the administrative team
    • overseeing the work of the administration team so that an effective administrative service is provided to the school
Department Heads

The responsibilities of the department heads, who have been allocated a budget to manage. include:

  • complying with the Schools' Financial Regulations and Standing Orders
  • signing, annually, Appendix 1 - Register of Business Interests and Appendix 6 - Declaration of Understanding Schools' Financial Regulations and Standing Orders
  • complying with governors' requirements for effective systems of internal control to ensure financial probity and safeguard all the resources delegated, granted or entrusted to the school
  • planning, monitoring and evaluating their budget, managing expenditure and any source of income attached to that budget
  • ensuring that:
    • spending decisions adhere to the school's spending and virements policy and are within delegated authority
    • the school's best value policy is adhered to and that best value is obtained on all expenditure
    • all orders are:
      • completed using the school's proforma order form and given to the school business manager
      • raised on the financial system as a commitment before the order is placed with the supplier
      • submitted with the specified number of quotations required for that level of spending
      • to maintain separation of duties Executive Head and Head of School and School Business Manager will sign Order Pro-forma, Purchase Order and Invoices to be pass for BACS authorisation and payment.
  • monitoring the budget delegated to them, in conjunction with the school business manager, to ensure the budget is not overspent
  • monitoring spending decisions to ensure improved outcomes for pupils and value for money for public finances (ie, the school's delegated budget)
Resources Committee - Agreed 09/10/2024
  • To provide support and guidance for the Headteacher on all matters relating to the maintenance of school premises and grounds, security and health and safety and advise the Governing Body accordingly,
  • To monitor and revise the premises elements of the Accessibility Plan,
  • To inspect the premises and grounds annually and prepare a report on any issues identified and a proposed order of priorities for maintenance and development, for the approval of the governing body,
  • To approve the costs and arrangements for repairs, maintenance and redecoration within the budget allocation and to oversee the preparation and implementation of contracts and advise the Finance Committee on related expenditure,
  • To be aware of the respective responsibilities of governing body and LA in relation to premises, to ensure that the LA is informed of any matters for which it has responsibility and to monitor such issues in order to ensure that appropriate action is taken,
  • To undertake an annual safety and security audit of the premises and report on same to the governing body and to ensure that the school complies with health and safety regulations,
  • To report findings of inspections and audits to the headteacher and liaise with him/her to ensure that action is taken as appropriate,
  • To seek advice from the LA as appropriate,
  • To prepare a lettings and charges policy for the approval of the governing body and to monitor and evaluate the implementation of that policy,
  • To consider and make recommendations on risk management and insurance arrangements with regard to vandalism and other premises related matters.
  • To consider the COVID-19 risk assessment and have regard to the procedures and safety of all users of the premises.

Committee Membership

Standards, Teaching and Learning

Chair - Jacqui Marson
Vice-Chair – Aaron McInnes
Clerk – Christine Bhika
Paul Clayton Headteacher
Jacqui Marson Co-opted
Anne Majumdar Parent
Aaron McInnnes Parent
Ranjeev Walia Co-opted
Cathy Clarke Co-opted
Nicola Claire Co-opted
Helen Child Associate Member
David Colenso Associate Member
Amy Homer Associate Member
Nicola Watson Associate Member
Nikki Allman Associate Member
Quorum - 50%

Finance, Personnel and Pay

Chair (Junior) - John Coombs
Chair (Infant) - Martin Dean
Vice-Chair - Anne Majumdar
Clerk – Christine Bhika
Paul Clayton Headteacher
Jo Reeves Staff Governor
John Coombs LA
Martin Dean Co-opted
Anne Majumdar Parent
Harman Sura Co-opted
Lesley Pollesche Co-opted
Quorum - 50%. Min of 3, of which 2 must be non-staff members


Chair - Michael Hillier
Vice-Chair - Lesley Pollesche
Clerk - Christine Bhika
Paul Clayton Headteacher
John Coombs LA
Lesley Pollesche Co-opted
Jo Reeves Staff Governor
Michael Hillier Co-opted
Quorum - 50% Min of 3


Paul Clayton
Jacqui Marson
Harman Sura

Governing Body Membership And Terms Of Office

Category Name Contact Details Term of Office
HEADTEACHER Paul Clayton 01/09/2100
STAFF Jo Reeves 25/06/2027
LA John Coombs 31/10/2026
PARENT Aaron McInnes 08/07/2025
  Helen Plummer 28/01/2028
CO-OPT Jacqui Marson 06/07/2025
  Martin Dean 04/12/2026
  Harman Sura 02/12/2027
  Ranjeev Walia 07/12/2025
  Lesley Pollesche 03/10/2026
  Mike Hillier 03/10/2026
  Cathy Clarke 23/05/2027
  Nicola Claire 05/12/2027
ASSOCIATE Helen Child 15/05/2027
  David Colenso 28/09/2028
  Amy Homer 27/09/2025
  Nikki Allman 27/09/2025
  Olivia Ratynski 03/10/2026
  Nicola Watson 03/10/2026
  Nikki Allman 04/10/2027
  Anne Majumdar 05/01/2028

Constitution Of The Governing Body (from September 2015)

Category Quantity Comments
Parent Governors 2
  • These are elected governors
Staff Governors 1 + Head
  • This allocation will not include the Headteacher (places on the GB are reserved for the Headteacher and cannot be filled by any other governor)
  • The staff governor must be elected by staff (both teaching and non-teaching)
  • When considering staff as co-opted governors, the number of staff members as governors should not exceed a third of the total GB
L.A. Governors 1
  • The LA nominate a candidate based on the skills the Full Governing Body require to create an effective board. The FGB make the formal appointment.
Co-Opted Governors 8
  • This type of governor will be taken from all of the current categories to "fill the skills gap"
Associate Members Unlimited
  • Associate members are appointed by the federated governing body to serve on one or more governing body committees and attend full governing body meetings
  • Their term must be for not less than 12 months and no more than 4 years
  • They are not governors but bring expertise and experience which can add to that provided by the governor membership
  • They do not hold voting rights at FGB meetings
  • They do hold voting rights as a committee member and do make up the committee's quorum
  • Governing Body Checklist of Responsibilities of Individual Governors

    Develop an Overview

    Governors have to develop an overview of the work of the school and challenge the leadership to continually improve outcomes for children. To make this task manageable we provide opportunities for school visits and give each governor a specific responsibility.

    Visits to School

    A year group monitoring week consists of book looks, lesson observations and "pop ins." In the weeks either side of half term, progress meetings for each year group examine the data. Governors would be expected to attend at least one of these activities (previously circulated).

    Governor's Responsibility

    Each governor will have responsibility for an aspect of the school's work. They will be expected to receive and integrate information provided by the relevant staff member and give short feedback at an appropriate governor or committee meeting. For instance the governor responsible for attendance would receive a half termly report, which may generate questions that they can discuss with the senior leader responsible for this area.

    Proposed Outline

    Aspect of the schools' work Governor Member/s of staff responsible
    Attendance Lesley Pollesche
    Jacqui Marson
    David Colenso
    Whole School Data EYFS, Key Stage 1&2
    Jacqui Marson
    Michael Hillier
    Amy Homer
    Curriculum (current priorities) Aaron McInnes
    Ranjeev Walia
    Cathy Clarke
    Paul Clayton
    Safeguarding, SEN and Child Protection Jacqui Marson
    Martin Dean
    Cathy Clarke
    Helen Child/Jessica Fisher/Ruth Levin/Nikki Allman
    Filtering and Monitoring Helen Plummer
    Jacqui Marson
    Naomi Ginman
    Pupil Premium and Children Looked After Jacqui Marson
    John Coombs
    Paul Clayton
    Additional Resource Provision Michael Hillier
    Anne Majurdam
    Georgina MacMillan
    Exclusions Martin Dean
    Jacqui Marson
    Paul Clayton

    Code Of Conduct For School Governors 2024-25

    As governors / trustees, we will focus on our strategic functions:

    • ensuring there is clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
    • holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils and the performance management of staff
    • overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent
    • ensuring the voices of stakeholders are heard

    As individuals on the board we agree to:

    Fulfill our roles and responsibilities
    • We accept that our role is strategic and so will focus on our core functions rather than involve ourselves in day to day management of the school/s.
    • We will develop, share and live the ethos and values of our school/s
    • We agree to adhere to school policies and procedures as set out by the relevant governing documents and law.
    • We will work collectively for the benefit of the school/s.
    • We will be candid but constructive and respectful when holding senior leaders to account.
    • We will consider how our decisions may affect the school/s and local community.
    • We will stand by the decisions that we make as a collective.
    • Where decisions and actions conflict with the Seven Principles of Public Life or may place pupils at risk, we will speak up and bring this to the attention of the relevant authorities.
    • We will only speak or act on behalf of the board if we have the authority to do so.
    • We will fulfil our responsibilities as a good employer, acting fairly and without prejudice.
    • When making or responding to complaints we will follow the established procedures.
    • We will strive to uphold the school's / trust's reputation in our private communications (including on social media).
    • *We will have regard to our responsibilities under the Equality Act and will work to advance equality of opportunity for all.
    Demonstrate our commitment to the role
    • We will involve ourselves actively in the work of the board, and accept our fair share of responsibilities, serving on committees or working groups where required.
    • We will make every effort to attend all meetings and where we cannot attend we will explain in advance, where possible, why we are unable to do so.
    • We will arrive at meetings prepared, having read all papers in advance, ready to make a positive contribution and observe protocol.
    • We will get to know the school/s well and respond to opportunities to involve ourselves in school activities.
    • We will visit the school/s and when doing so will make arrangements with relevant staff in advance and observe school and board protocol.
    • When visiting the school in a personal capacity (i.e. as a parent or carer), we will continue to honour the commitments made in this code.
    • We will participate in induction training and take responsibility for developing our individual and collective skills and knowledge on an ongoing basis (through attending a minimum of three CPD sessions per academic cycle) and committing to refreshing our training every 3 years.
    • We commit to work collectively to embed a culture of effective succession planning. This will be achieved by identifying successors, nurturing and mentoring talent to ensure smooth transition of leadership roles i.e. chair, vice chair, chairs of committees and link governor positions. As individuals we will complete an annual evaluation audit to identify strengths or areas for leadership development within the board.
    • All governors should familiarise themselves with their responsibilities in line with Keeping Children Safe in Education September 2023 statutory guidance and complete the AfC eLearning: Safeguarding for Governors training module.
    • We collectively acknowledge it is best practice for two designated safeguarding link governors to be in place at all times and complete AfC training - Safeguarding the Governing Board's Role.
    • We will comply with the school to instigate the application of an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check and Section 128 direction check within 21 days of appointment to the Board. Governors recognise that failure to comply with these requirements will disqualify them from holding office.
    Build and maintain relationships
    • We will develop effective working relationships with school leaders, staff, parents and other relevant stakeholders from our local community/ communities.
    • We will work to create an inclusive environment where each board member's contributions are valued equally.
    • We will express views openly, courteously and respectfully in all our communications with board members and staff both inside and outside of meetings.
    • We will support the chair in their role of leading the board and ensuring appropriate conduct
    • We will act as individuals and acknowledge that as governors we are representatives of our category of governorship, opposed to representatives for parents or staff stakeholder groups and are primarily appointed based on the skills and experience that we bring to the board.
    Proceedings of the governing board
    • As a corporate body, we agree the principles and protocol of adapting to virtual meetings if deemed necessary.
    • As a corporate body, we agree to make quorate decisions by email, if deemed necessary/urgent and such decisions will subsequently be formally ratified and minuted at the next scheduled meeting.
    Respect confidentiality
    • We will observe complete confidentiality with all governance matters.
    • We will not reveal the details of any governing board vote.
    • We will ensure all confidential papers are held and disposed of appropriately.
    • We will maintain confidentiality even after we leave office.
    Declare conflicts of interest and be transparent
    • We will declare any business, personal or other interest that we have in connection with the board's business and these will be recorded in the Register of Business Interests.
    • We will also declare any conflict of loyalty at the start of any meeting should the need arise.
    • If a conflicted matter arises in a meeting, we will offer to leave the meeting for the duration of the discussion and any subsequent vote.
    • We accept that the Register of Business Interests will be published on the school/trust's website.
    • *We will act as a governor; not as a representative of any group.
    • We will act in the best interests of the school as a whole and not as a representative of any group.
    • We accept that in the interests of open governance, our full names, date of appointment, terms of office, roles on the governing board, attendance records, relevant business and pecuniary interests, category of governor and the body responsible for appointing us will be published on the school's website.
    • We accept that information relating to board members will be collected and recorded on the DfE's national database of governors (Get information about schools), some of which will be publicly available.
    • As governors we consent to our data being used and shared for the purpose of and in conjunction with, our role as governors at this school.

    The Seven Nolan Principles of Public Life should also be adopted by all governors and in line with this code:


    We will act solely in terms of the public interest.


    We will avoid placing ourselves under any obligation to people or organisations that might try inappropriately to influence us in our work. We will not act or take decisions in order to gain financial or other material benefits for ourselves, our family, or our friends. We will declare and resolve any interests and relationships.


    We will act and take decisions impartially, fairly and on merit, using the best evidence and without discrimination or bias.


    We are accountable to the public for our decisions and actions and will submit ourselves to the scrutiny necessary to ensure this.


    We will act and take decisions in an open and transparent manner. Information will not be withheld from the public unless there are clear and lawful reasons for so doing.


    We will be truthful.


    We will exhibit these principles in our own behaviour. We will actively promote and robustly support the principles and be willing to challenge poor behaviour wherever it occurs.

    (*Current disqualification criteria is listed within The School Governance (Constitution) (England) Regulations 2012, Regulation 17, Schedule 4)

    This Code of Conduct was formally adopted by the governing board of HEATHFIELD SCHOOLS PARTNERSHIP on 29 September 2020 and is signed by all current members virtually, via GovernorHub annually.

    By signing this code of conduct I declare I am not disqualified* from holding a governorship position and I agree to abide by all the expectations outlined. I understand that any potential or perceived breach of this code will be taken seriously and that a breach could lead to formal sanctions.

    Last reviewed: August 2023.

    AfC Governor Support
    Virtual Governance Protocol - Coronavirus/Covid-19

    This protocol is to be used whenever the Governing Body consider is necessary for any or all governors to refrain from attending a face to face meeting, in order to ensure a meeting is quorate.


    Where your Governing Board has previously agreed not to permit virtual participation in meetings, given the seriousness of the current situation, it would be AfC Governor Support's advice to agree a move to virtual meetings for the foreseeable future

    It is important though, to ensure the decision is formally minuted, with the rationale as to why this decision has been taken. Whilst some governors/trustees may not have access to the appropriate technology, provided a virtual meeting is quorate, it can proceed.

    Appendix A outlines the recommended protocol and guidance for participation and voting in virtual board meetings.

    Board's should be mindful that in these unprecedented circumstances, it still remains that Chair's Actions should only be used to make decisions in situations where failure to do so could be detrimental, to the school, pupils, staff or the wider community. If Chair's do take any actions, on behalf of the Board, these must be recorded and reported back to the Board as soon as possible.

    Q & A

    1. Who can decide to cancel/postpone a meeting?

    In the circumstances common sense should prevail and if there is any risk arising from proceeding with a meeting, this falls under Chair's Actions. It would, of course, be sensible for the Chair, Headteacher and Clerk to work closely on the decision.

    2. What sort of things could be agreed under the Chair's Actions?

    There are many examples, but the general rule relates to urgency. e.g. emergency school closure as a result of Covid-19, and approval of documents prior to submission in order to meet statutory deadlines (budget).

    What governance business can be conducted via email?

    Whilst it is not ideal for business to be conducted via email, reviewing of policies, approval of School Development Plan, Self-Evaluation documents etc are all examples. Good practice would always be to circulate draft documents via e-mail, on-line groups such as Google docs or a governor portal (GovernorHub), for example, ask for questions and comments, redraft, where appropriate and ask for email approval. (Sensitive documents containing personal data should not be shared this way.)

    If you have any questions or would like further guidance and support on this subject, please do not hesitate to contact us via

    APPENDIX A. Heathfield Schools' Partnership Board Meeting Protocol - COVID-19

    Under normal circumstances our Governing Board expects governors to be present at all applicable meetings.  However the unprecedented circumstances now being faced across the country, together with the Government directive to close all schools with effect from Friday 20 March 2020, does not currently make this possible.

    On that basis, the Board agrees to conduct our duties virtually until further notice. Virtual participation includes, but is not limited to, telephone, email, and video conferencing.

    As a corporate body we acknowledge that some governors may not have access to the appropriate technology. Under such circumstances, provided a virtual meeting is quorate, it can proceed.

    Key aspects of this protocol include:
    • All governors including the Headteacher, Associate Members (if applicable) and Clerks may attend virtually for any single meeting.
    • Confirmation of virtual participation must be notified to the Clerk by email (at least 48 hours prior to the meeting), and where virtual attendance will not be possible, the governor should notify the Clerk of their non-attendance by email.
    • It is the responsibility of each individual governor to ensure they are able to do so through a secure method in an environment conducive to confidential and private communication. Anyone participating in a meeting using technology must declare that they are in an environment which is secure, and which protects confidentiality.
    • Virtual participation must be for the entire meeting and not just for specific agenda items or solely for voting purposes.
    • It is the responsibility of those participating virtually to ensure they have a reliable connection.
    • If the communication connection fails and reasonable attempts to reconnect are unsuccessful virtual participation will no longer be possible and the agenda will not be delayed. The Clerk will note the time that the connection was lost.
    • Ensuring quorate meetings is the responsibility of the Clerk who will monitor this throughout the virtual meeting and advise the board if a meeting becomes unviable due to connection failure.
    • If there is to be a vote, governors/trustees must have relevant documents seven days prior to the meeting. Governors/trustees attending the meeting either by telephone or video conference will be entitled to vote on any issue providing they have been 'present' for the whole agenda item which the vote relates to, not just the vote itself.
    • If there is to be a vote, secret ballot will not be an option. All virtual attendees will need to cast their vote by stating they are either in favour or against.
    • Where there is no visual connection, all meeting participants will always start their comments by stating their name, to ensure the Clerk can minute the meeting accurately (although in line with best practice verbatim minutes are not advised).
    • If multiple governors speak at the same time, the Chair of the meeting shall determine who will speak first.
    • In exceptional circumstances e.g. extraordinary meetings, meetings can take place virtually as long as:
      • Quorum of governors is adhered to.
      • Every effort has been made to enable all governors to participate.
      • Papers have been circulated at least 24 hours in advance.
      • The meeting is minuted in the same way as other meetings.
      • The meeting is not recorded without the consent of the board for a specific reason.

    This virtual protocol does not apply to any formal hearings e.g. pupil exclusion, parental complaint, staff disciplinaries, admission appeals etc, where all panel members normally must be physically present.

    Under these circumstances the recommendation is to postpone the formal process, whilst the school is formally closed (this also includes all those schools that will have remained open to specifically support our vulnerable pupils and those pupils with key worker parents/guardians). A communication to this effect should be sent by the Clerk to all parties involved in the relevant process for transparency and clarity.


    The National Governors Association (NGA) has issued the following advice that AfC Governor Support fully endorse. Boards may wish to consider the following steps to support the effective implementation of virtual meeting protocol.

    • Decide what form the virtual meeting will take. An initial conversation between the Chair, Head and Clerk will help identify what form of virtual meeting (conference call, video conference or online platform) is likely to work best for the governing board. In all probability the school or trust and some governors/trustees will have experience of remote working so canvassing them for suggestions is a good idea. It also highlights any presenting issues like internet connectivity.
    • Provide clear instructions and offer support where necessary. Once the form of virtual meeting has been decided then it is important that participants are provided with clear instructions on how they will join the meeting e.g. the weblink, phone number, PIN codes that participants need to either dial in or connect to join the meeting. These instructions are best provided by the clerk as part of their duty to convene the meeting and to circulate the agenda papers. The Clerk may want to draw on experience and expertise from within the school or trust and the board itself to help them and any governors/trustees who require additional support to access the meeting.
    • Test the system platform, particularly if it's the first time the governing board has held a virtual meeting then it is worth someone testing that the platform or system being used works in practice, thus avoiding finding out just prior to the meeting starting that it doesn't!
    • The preparation carried by the Head, Chair and Clerk prior to any meeting makes a difference to the way that the business is conducted. Virtual meetings are no different. Make time to discuss what's on the agenda, how much time is needed for each item, likely questions, required decisions and outcomes. Chairs and Clerks should be particularly alert to governors/trustees for whom electronic communication presents challenges. Arranging a one-to-one session whereby one person can be on the phone talking the other through how to connect and join a meeting can serve to raise levels of confidence and maintain inclusivity.
    • Set the tone and explain the rules of engagement for the meeting. With any new way of working, being clear about expectations helps ensure success. Consider making clear the importance of:
      • Joining on time
      • Signing a digital attendance sheet
      • Keeping to the agenda
      • Saying your name before speaking
      • Using your mute button as appropriate for minimising background noises
      • Allowing additional time for participants to refer to documents that they may have open in another application
    • Many people are surprised that being able to see other meeting participants on screen makes remote communication easier and it keeps everyone more engaged, so it is worth encouraging everyone to use their webcams if at all possible.
    • Evaluate and learn from experience. The more the governing board practices virtual meetings then the more efficient the meetings will become. Take a note of what worked well and what could have worked better and apply this experience at your next virtual meeting.

    Revised September 2022

    Agreed 4 October 2022

    Schedule Of Dates Of Meetings 2024-2025

    AUTUMN TERM     2 September - 20 December 2024
    Wednesday 2nd October @ 7pm Full Governing Body
    Wednesday 9th October @ 10am Resources
    Wednesday 9th October @ 4pm Finance, Personnel & Pay
    HALF TERM    28 October - 1 November 2024
    Wednesday 19th November @ 7pm Standards, Teaching and Learning
    Wednesday 4th December @ 10am Resources
    Wednesday 11th December @ 7pm Full Governing Body
    SPRING TERM     6 January - 4 April 2025
    Wednesday 22nd January @ 7pm Full Governing Body
    Wednesday 22nd January @ 10am Resources
    Wednesday 29th January @ 10am Finance, Personnel & Pay
    HALF TERM     17 - 21 February 2025
    Wednesday 12th March @ 10am Resources
    Wednesday 12th March @ 4pm Finance, Personnel & Pay
    Wednesday 26th March @ 7pm Full Governing Body
    SUMMER TERM     22 April - 18 July 2025
    Wednesday 7th May @ 10am Resources
    Tuesday 20th May @ 7pm Full Governing Body
    HALF TERM     27 - 31 May 2025
    Wednesday 4th June @ 4pm Finance, Personnel & Pay
    Wednesday 2nd July @ 10am Resources
    Tuesday 15th July @ 7pm Full Governing Body

    Register of Governors' Interests

    This report contains the Declarations of Interest for:

    • Current governors
    • Historical governors
    Current Governors
    Member Confirmed Entity Nature Notes From To
    Mrs Lyn Barnes
    Confirmed 3 Oct 2022          
        AfC Employee Work in Governor Support Team    
    Mrs Christine Bhika
    Confirmed 9 Nov 2022          
        Heathfield Junior School Employee   01 Oct 02  
    Ms Helen Child
    associate member
    Nothing to declare
    Confirmed 5 Oct 2022
        - - -    
    Cathy Clarke
    Not confirmed
        - - -    
    Mr Paul Clayton
    Nothing to declare
    Confirmed 9 Nov 2022
        - - -    
    Anna Clifford
    Nothing to declare
    Confirmed 12 Jan 2023
        - - -    
    Mr David Colenso
    associate member
    Nothing to declare
    6 Dec 2022
        - - -    
    Cllr Jonh Coombs
    Nothing to declare
    Confirmed 4 Oct 2022
        - - -    
    Mr Martin Dean
    Confirmed 4 Oct 2022          
        Viscount Fire Safety Consultant The School had a problem with their Fire Alarm and they approached me in 19 Jul 22  
        SOS! Special Educational Needs Volunteer I was a founding member of SOS!SEN but stepped down in 2017. Since then 01 Jan 22  
    Mike Hillier
    Nothing to declare
    Confirmed 9 Oct 2022
        - - -    
    Amy Homer
    associate member
    Nothing to declare
    4 Oct 2022
        - - -    
    Anne Majumdar
    Nothing to declare
    Confirmed 13 Sep 2021
        - - -    
    Mrs Jacqueline Mason-Kelly
    Nothing to declare
    Confirmed 4 Oct 2022
        - - -    
    Aaron McInnes
    Nothing to declare
    Confirmed 4 Oct 2022
        - - -    
    Cllr Lesley Pollesche
    Confirmed 17 Sep 2021          
          Personal   04 Feb 21  
    Olivia Ratynski
    associate member
    Nothing to declare
    Confirmed 4 Oct 2022
        - - -    
    Mrs Jo Reeves
    Confirmed 28 Sep 2022          
        Heathfield Infant School Employee   30 Sep 99  
    Ranjeev Walia
    Nothing to declare
    Confirmed 9 Dec 2021
        - - -    
    Nicola Watson
    associate member
    Nothing to declare
    Confirmed 6 Oct 2022
        - - -    
    Historical Governors
    Member Confirmed Entity Nature Notes From To
    Ms Cara Curran - - -      
    Millie de Garston-Webb - - -      
    Mr Abel Okello - - -      
    Lesley Pollesche - - -      
    Kitty Thomson - - -      

    The Headteacher is a member of the Governing Body by virtue of their office.
    Local Authority (LA) Governors are nominated by the LA but appointed by the Governing Body.
    Parent Governors are elected by other parents of the school.
    Staff Governors are elected by members of staff within the school.
    Co-opted Governors are appointed by the Governing Body for their skills.
    Associate Members are appointed for their skills and have full voting rights at committee level but not at a Full Governing Body (FGB) Meeting. They may attend FGB Meetings but are not obliged.