
Pupil Voice

Every September, children from Years 1-6 vote for their Pupil Voice representatives. One child from each class is democratically elected to represent the views of their class within the school.

The group is coordinated by Mrs Proctor-Lane. Meetings are arranged between the Pupil Voice representatives and staff, governors and external visitors. The children provide valuable feedback about teaching and learning and other issues that affect the school.

In addition Pupil Voice get involved in charity work. In recent years they have helped raise awareness and contributions for The Upper Room (a charity supporting local homeless people), the NSPCC Defe(a)et Bullying Campaign and Red Nose Day.

Last year they led assemblies concentrating on being safe during the dark winter months (Be Bright Be Seen campaign) and long summer months (Stranger Danger and Road Safety) the Junior Reps. worked alongside Mr Donnelly to promote resilience.

This year their role will focus on raising the profile of healthy eating, and encouraging 100% attendance throughout both schools.

Don't wanta go to School

During the Spring term, the Pupil Voice team led a discussion about attendance with their classes.

This included reasons why children should come to school and why they should come to Heathfield Junior School, in particular.

They collated these ideas and made a poetry book about attendance for each class. Staff from school performed this poem in our World Book Day assembly.

Written by the pupils of Heathfield Schools and the pupil voice team (With a little help from Mrs Proctor-Lane)

Don't wanta go to school, wanta stay in bed

Don't wanta go to school, gotta pain in my head

Don't wanta go to school, I'm not in with the right bunch

Don't wanta go to school, I don’t like the lunch

Don't wanta go to school, it's my birthday

Don't wanta go to school, it's a (mutter days of week) Friday

Don't wanta go to school, gotta runny nose

Don't wanta go to school, I've hurt my little toe

Don't wanta go to school, I fell out with my chum

Don't wanta go to school, it's just not fun

Don't wanta go to school, gotta maths test

Don't wanta go to school, I'm tired, I need a rest

Don't wanta go to school, I've lost my PE kit

Don't wanta go to school, I feel a bit sick

Don't wanta go to school, I just can't get it right

Don't wanta go to school, I got into a fight

Don't wanta go to school, didn't wake up on time

Don't wanta go to school, wanta play online

When you're feeling low

And you just don't want to go

Take a little time

And remember our rhyme

It's great at home, I get it, I know

But give me 5 minutes- schools cool I'll show

Coming to school- well it's the law

Playing, resting and gaming- that's what weekends are for

The friends we meet, the friends we keep

School tires out - we get a good night's sleep

Lessons to learn, new skills to start

40+clubs for us to take part      (in)

Friends, staff, teachers and the ELSA crew

You can always find someone to talk to

Don't stay at home when you could be here

Come into school, let us help with your fear

Put on your purple jumper with the silver lamp shield

And join all your friends here at Heathfield

So when you're feeling low

And you just don't want to go

Take a little time

And remember our rhyme