
Pupil Voice

Every September, children from Years 1-6 vote for their Pupil Voice representatives. One child from each class is democratically elected to represent the views of their class within the school.

The group is coordinated by Mrs Proctor-Lane. Meetings are arranged between the Pupil Voice representatives and staff, governors and external visitors. The children provide valuable feedback about teaching and learning and other issues that affect the school.

In addition Pupil Voice get involved in charity work. In recent years they have helped raise awareness and contributions for The Upper Room (a charity supporting local homeless people), the NSPCC Defe(a)et Bullying Campaign and Red Nose Day.

Last year they led assemblies concentrating on being safe during the dark winter months (Be Bright Be Seen campaign) and long summer months (Stranger Danger and Road Safety) the Junior Reps. worked alongside Mr Donnelly to promote resilience.

This year their role will focus on raising the profile of healthy eating, and encouraging 100% attendance throughout both schools.